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Journal Articles

  1. R. A. Hanson, C. N. Newton, A. J. Merrell, A. E. Bowden, M. K. Seeley, U. H. Mitchell, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. T. Fullwood. Dual-Sensing Piezoresponsive Foam for Dynamic and Static Loading Sensors 23, 3719 (2023).
  2. B. Liu, N. James, A.-S. Hamedi, A. Yao, S. E. Trask, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. Direct Measurements of Ionic Transport Behavior of Dual-Layer Porous Electrodes Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170, 020501 (2023).
  3. M. Nikpour, B. Liu, P. Minson, Z. Hillman, B. Mazzeo, D. Wheeler. Li-ion Electrode Microstructure Evolution During Drying. Batteries 8(9), 107 (2022).
  4. J. E. Vogel, J. G. Sederholm, E. M. Shumway, G. J. Abello, S. E. Trask, D. R. Wheeler, B. A. Mazzeo. Li-Ion Battery Electrode Contact Resistance Estimation by Mechanical Peel Test. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169, 080508 (2022).
  5. J. B. Hunt, B. Mazzeo, C. Sorensen, Y. Hovanski. A Generalized Method for in-Process Defect Detection in Friction Stir Welding. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 6, 80 (2022).
  6. B. Liu, K. Prugue, M. Nikpour, K. Ward, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. Heterogeneity in MacMullin Number of Li-ion Battery Electrodes Studied by Means of an Aperture Probe. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 , 010517 (2022).
  7. M. N. Nickpour, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler. A Model for Investigating Sources of Li-Ion Battery Electrode Heterogeneity – Part 2: Active Material Size, Shape, Orientation, and Stiffness. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168, 120518 (2021).
  8. J. E. Vogel, E. E. Hunter, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo. Micro-Flexible-Surface Probe for Determining Spatially Heterogeneous Electronic Conductivity of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode Films. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168, 100504 (2021).
  9. M. D. Thomas, T. M. Moriarty, D. D. Cook, and B. A. Mazzeo. Electrical capacitance measurements to assess European Corn Borer infestation in maize. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 187, 106305 (2021).
  10. M. Nikpour, N. Barrett, Z. Hillman, A. I. Thompson, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler. A Model for Investigating Sources of Li-Ion Battery Electrode Heterogeneity - Part 1: Electrode Drying and Calendering Processes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168, 060547 (2021).
  11. S. Pashoutani, J. Zhu, C. Sim, K. Wan, B. A. Mazzeo, and W. S. Guthrie. Multi-sensor data collection and fusion using deep autoencoders in condition evaluation of concrete bridge decks. Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience 2, 18 (2021).
  12. R. Stevens, W. S. Guthrie, J. Baxter, and B. A. Mazzeo. Field testing of polyester polymer concrete overlays on bridge decks in Utah. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33 (7), 04021155 (2021).
  13. F. Pouraghajan, A. Thompson, E. Hunter, B. Mazzeo, J. Christensen, R. Subbaraman, M. Wray, and D. Wheeler. The effects of cycling on ionic and electronic conductivities of Li-ion battery electrodes. Journal of Power Sources 492, 229636 (2021).
  14. J. Baxter, L. Hendricks, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Instrumentation for Multi-Channel Vertical Electrical Impedance Scanning of Concrete Bridge Decks. Engineering Research Express 2, 035010 (2020).
  15. L. Hendricks, J. Baxter, Y. Chou, M. Thomas, E. Boekweg, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. High-Speed Acoustic Impact-Echo Sounding of Concrete Bridge Decks. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 39, 58 (2020).
  16. J. L. Larsen, J. McElderry, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Automated sounding for concrete bridge deck inspection through a multi-channel, continuously moving platform. NDT&E International 109, 102177 (2020).
  17. J. Barton, J. Baxter, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Vertical electrical impedance scanner for non-destructive concrete bridge deck assessment without a direct rebar connection. Materials Evaluation 77 (10), 1258-1266 (2019).
  18. J. Yao, J. Cassler, D. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo. Characterization of mechanical properties of thin-film Li-ion battery electrodes from laser excitation and measurements of zero group velocity resonances. Journal of Applied Physics 126, 085112 (2019).
  19. W. S. Guthrie, J. Larsen, J. Baxter, and B. A. Mazzeo. Automated air-coupled impact-echo testing of a concrete bridge deck from a continuously moving platform. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 38, 32 (2019).
  20. J. Barton, J. Baxter, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Large-area electrode design for vertical electrical impedance scanning of concrete bridge decks. Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 025101 (2019).
  21. J. E. Vogel, M. M. Forouzan, E. E. Hardy, S. T. Crawford, D. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo. Electrode Microstructure Controls Localized Electronic Impedance in Li-Ion Batteries. Electrochimica Acta 297, 820-825 (2019).
  22. F. Pouraghajan, H. Knight, M. Wray, B. Mazzeo, R. Subbaraman, J. Christensen, and D. Wheeler. Quantifying tortuosity of porous Li-ion battery electrodes: comparing polarization-interrupt and blocking-electrolyte methods. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (11), A2644-A2653 (2018).
  23. M. Forouzan, B. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. Modeling the effects of electrode microstructural heterogeneities on Li-ion battery performance and lifetime. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165(10), A2127-A2144 (2018).
  24. K. Dallon, J. Yao, D. Wheeler, B. Mazzeo. Characterization of mechanical properties of battery electrode films from acoustic resonance measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 123, 135102 (2018).
  25. W. S. Guthrie, J. Baxter, B. A. Mazzeo. Vertical impedance testing of a concrete bridge deck using a rolling probe. NDT&E International 95, 65-71 (2018).
  26. L.-F. Tsai, H. Gong, K. Dallon, B. A. Mazzeo, G. Nordin. Light Emission from Electrodes under Dielectrophoresis (DEP) Conditions. Journal of Micro/Nanolightography, MEMS, and MOEMS 15(2), 025001 (2016).
  27. M. M. Forouzan, C.-W. Chao, D. Bustamante, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler. Experiment and simulation of the fabrication process of a lithium-ion battery cathode for determining microstructure and mechanical properties. Journal of Power Sources 312, 172-183 (2016).
  28. B. A. Mazzeo and M. Rice. Bit Error Rate Comparison Statistics and Hypothesis Tests for Inverse Sampling (Negative Binomial) Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Communications 64(5), 2192-2203. (2016)
  29. B. J. Lanterman, A. A. Riet, N. S. Gates, J. D. Flygare, A. D. Cutler, J. E. Vogel, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo. Micro-four-line probe to measure electronic conductivity and contact resistance of thin-film battery electrodes. J. Electrochem. Soc. 162, A2145-A2151 (2015).
  30. J. D. Flygare, A. A. Riet, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler. Mathematical model of four-line probe to determine conductive properties of thin-film battery electrodes. J. Electrochem. Soc. 162 A2136-A2144 (2015).
  31. P. Aggarwal, V. Asthana, J. S. Lawson, H. D. Tolley, D. R. Wheeler, B. A. Mazzeo, M. L. Lee. Correlation of chromatographic performance with morphological features of organic polymer monoliths. Journal of Chromatography A 1334, 20-29 (2014).
  32. B. A. Mazzeo, A. N. Patil, R. C. Hurd, J. M. Klis, T. T. Truscott, and W. S. Guthrie. Air-coupled impact-echo delamination detection in concrete using spheres of ice for excitation. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 33(3), 317-326 (2014).
  33. B. S. Blankenagel, S. Khadka, A. R. Hawkins, K. F. Warnick, and B. A. Mazzeo. Radio-frequency microfluidic interferometer in printed circuit board process. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 55(7), 1616-1618 (2013).
  34. S. J. Ness, R. R. Anderson, W. Hu, D. C. Richards, J. Oxborrow, T. Gustafson, B. Tsai, S. Kim, B. Mazzeo, A. Woolley, and G. P. Nordin. Weak Adsorption-Induced Surface Stress for Streptavidin Binding to Biotin Tethered to Silicon Microcantilever Arrays. IEEE Sensors Journal 13(3), 959-968 (2013).
  35. B. A. Mazzeo and D. D. Busath. From molecular dynamics to fluorescence anisotropy of fluorophores bound to oriented structures. Journal of Computational Physics 232, 482-497 (2013).
  36. B. L. Mellor, S. J. Wood, and B. A. Mazzeo. Quantitation of pH-induced aggregation in binary protein mixtures by dielectric spectroscopy. The Protein Journal 31, 703-709 (2012).
  37. P. D. Bartholomew, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Vertical impedance measurements on concrete bridge decks for assessing susceptibility of reinforcing steel to corrosion. Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 085104 (2012).
  38. M. Rice and B. A. Mazzeo. On the Superiority of the Negative Binomial Test over the Binomial Test for Estimating the Bit Error Rate. IEEE Transactions on Communications 60, 2971-2981 (2012).
  39. B. A. Mazzeo, A. N. Patil, and W. S. Guthrie. Acoustic impact-echo investigation of concrete delaminations using liquid droplet excitation. NDT&E International 51, 41-44 (2012).
  40. A. D. Mazzeo, W. B. Kalb, L. Chan, M. G. Killian, J.-F. Bloch, B. A. Mazzeo, and G. M. Whitesides. Paper-based, Capacitive Touch Pads. Advanced Materials 24, 2850-2856 (2012).
  41. B. L. Mellor, E. Cruz Cortes, S. Khadka, and B. A. Mazzeo. Increased bandwidth for dielectric spectroscopy of proteins through electrode surface preparation. Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 015110 (2012).
  42. B. L. Mellor, S. Khadka, D. D. Busath, and B. A. Mazzeo. Influence of pKa shifts on the calculated dipole moments of proteins. The Protein Journal 30, 490-498 (2011).
  43. R. R. Anderson, W. Hu, J. W. Noh, W. C. Dahlquist, S. J. Ness, T. M. Gustafson, D. C. Richards, S. Kim, B. A. Mazzeo, A. T. Woolley, and G. P. Nordin. Transient deflection response in microcantilever array integrated with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidics. Lab on a Chip 11, 2088 (2011).
  44. B. L. Mellor, N. A. Kellis, and B. A. Mazzeo. Note: Electrode polarization of Galinstan electrodes for liquid impedance spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 046110 (2011).
    -also linked in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 1 May 2011.
  45. B. L. Mellor, E. Cruz Cortes, D. D. Busath, and B. A. Mazzeo. Method for estimating the internal permittivity of proteins using dielectric spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115, 2205 (2011).
  46. B. A. Mazzeo, S. Chandra, B. L. Mellor, and J. Arellano. Temperature-stable parallel-plate dielectric cell for broadband liquid impedance measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 125103 (2010).
    -also linked in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 1 January 2011.
  47. B. A. Mazzeo. Analytic solutions for capacitance of cylinders near a dielectric interface. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 17, 1877 (2010).
  48. T. Shang, E. Teng, A. T. Woolley, B. A. Mazzeo, S. M. Schultz, and A. R. Hawkins. Contactless Conductivity Detection of Small Ions in Surface Micro-Machined CE Chip. Electrophoresis 31, 2596 (2010).
  49. B. A. Mazzeo. Parasitic capacitance influence of potential-sensing electrodes on four-electrode liquid impedance measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 105, 094106 (2009).
  50. B. A. Mazzeo and A. J. Flewitt. Two- and four-electrode, wide-bandwidth, dielectric spectrometer for conductive liquids: Theory, limitations, and experiment. Journal of Applied Physics 102, 104106 (2007).
  51. B. A. Mazzeo and A. J. Flewitt. Observation of protein-protein interaction by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy of protein solutions for biosensor application. Applied Physics Letters 90, 123901 (2007).
    -also linked in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 1 April 2007.

Conferences - Full Paper Peer-Review with Substantial Revision

  1. E. T. Boekweg, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Nondestructive Evaluation of a New Concrete Bridge Deck Subject to Excessive Rainfall during Construction: Implications for Durability in a Cold Region. ASCE Regional Conference on Permafrost 2021 and the 19th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering: pp. 163-171. Best Student Paper Award
  2. W. S. Guthrie and B. A. Mazzeo. Vertical Impedance Testing for Assessing Protection from Chloride-Based Deicing Salts Provided by an Asphalt Overlay System on a Concrete Bridge Deck. Cold Regions Engineering 2015: pp. 358-369.
  3. G. P. Nordin, R. R. Anderson, W. Hu, S. J. Ness, D. C. Richards, J. Oxborrow, T. Gustafson, B. Tsai, B. Mazzeo, and A. Woolley. Microcantilever Array Sensors with Integrated PDMS Microfluidics. IEEE Sensors Conference. Limerick, Ireland. 28-31 October 2011.
  4. M. C. Giraud-Carrier, K. Moon, E. Teng, A. R. Hawkins, K. F. Warnick, and B. A. Mazzeo. Broadband RF Impedance Spectroscopy in Micromachined Microfluidic Channels. 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference. Boston, MA. 30 August-3 September 2011.
  5. B. L. Mellor, N. A. Kellis, and B. A. Mazzeo. Dielectric Spectroscopy of Molecular Interactions Based on the Avidin-Biotin Complex. 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference. Boston, MA. 30 August-3 September 2011.
  6. B. A. Mazzeo and M. D. Rice. On Monte Carlo Simulation of the Bit Error Rate. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Kyoto, Japan. 8 June 2011.

Conference Proceedings - Full Paper Reviewed

  1. B. A. Mazzeo and W. S. Guthrie. Algorithms for highway-speed acoustic impact-echo evaluation of concrete bridge decks. 44th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1949, 030010 (2018).
  2. J. S. Baxter, W. S. Guthrie, T. Waters, J. D. Barton, and B. A. Mazzeo. Vertical electrical impedance evaluation of asphalt overlays on concrete bridge decks. 44th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1949, 030011 (2018).
  3. E. Hardy, D. Clement, J. Vogel, D. Wheeler, and B. Mazzeo. Flexible probe for measuring local conductivity variations in Li-ion electrode films. 44th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1949, 040002 (2018).
  4. L. Hendricks, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Implementing statistical analysis in multi-channel acoustic impact-echo testing of concrete bridge decks: Determining thresholds for delamination detection. 44th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1949, 040005 (2018).
  5. K. L. Dallon, J. Yao, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo. Determination of mechanical properties of battery films from acoustic resonances. 44th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1949, 040009 (2018).
  6. B. A. Mazzeo, J. Baxter, J. Barton, and W. S. Guthrie. Vertical Impedance Measurements of Concrete Bridge Deck Cover Condition without a Direct Electrical Connection to the Reinforcing Steel. 43rd Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1806, 080004 (2017).
  7. B. A. Mazzeo, J. Larsen, J. McElderry, and W. S. Guthrie. Rapid Multichannel Impact-Echo Scanning of Concrete Bridge Decks from a Continuously Moving Platform. 43rd Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1806, 080003 (2017).
  8. B. A. Mazzeo, A. N. Patil, J. M. Klis, R. C. Hurd, T. T. Truscott, and W. S. Guthrie. Numerical Simulations and Experimental Measurements of Steel and Ice Impacts for Acoustic Interrogation of Delaminations in Bridge Decks. 40th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1581, 895 (2014).


  1. B. Mazzeo. Design Decisions: Integrated Product Design Handbook (2020).

Other Presentations (Conferences with Abstracts-Only and Miscellaneous)

  1. M. Nikpour, D. Wheeler, and B. Mazzeo. "Predictive Modeling of Transport and Elastic Moduli of Porous Extreme Fast Charging Li-Ion Electrodes," 240th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2021.
  2. J. G. Sederholm, E. M. Shumway, J. A. Miles, J. E. Vogel, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. "Measuring and Reducing Contact Resistance at the Current Collector," 240th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2021.
  3. M. Nikpour, B. Liu, D. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo. "Li-Ion Electrode Mirostructure Evolution during Drying and Calendering," 240th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2021.
  4. N. Clemens, D. Wheeler, and B. Mazzeo. "Alignment of Conductive Additive in Li-Ion Battery Electrodes through Use of Electric Fields," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  5. E. E. Hunter, J. E. Vogel, D. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo. "The Impact of Calendering on the Electronic Conductivity Heterogeneity of Lithium-Ion Electrode Films," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  6. K. Nielsen, B. Liu, B. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. "Heterogeneity of Ionic Conductivity in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  7. F. Pouraghajan, F. Sun, B. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. "The Interplay of Electrode Heterogeneity, SEI Growth, and Li Plating in Li-Ion Batteries," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  8. A. I. Thompson, F. Pouraghajan, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. "The Effects of Cycling on Ionic and Electronic Conductivities of 18650 Li-Ion Cells," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  9. B. Liu, K. Nielsen, B. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. "Instrument for Measuring Local Ionic Conductivity of Porous Electrodes," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  10. M. Nikpour, N. Barrett, C. A. Harrison, and D. Wheeler, B. A. Mazzeo. "Microscale Simulations of Drying and Calendering Processes to Manufacture Porous Electrodes," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  11. J. G. Sederholm, J. E. Vogel, B. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. "Factors Affecting Contact Resistance between Electrode and Current Collector," 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
  12. B. A. Mazzeo, J. Baxter, L. Hendricks, and W. S. Guthrie. "Project 202: Vertical Electrical Impedance Scanner for Concrete Bridge Deck Assessment without Direct Rebar Attachment" (Poster), Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2019. Invited
  13. B. A. Mazzeo and D. R. Wheeler. "Addressing heterogeneity in electrode fabrication processes" (Poster), Department of Energy 2018 Annual Merit Review Meeting, Washington, DC, 2018. Invited
  14. M. M. Forouzan, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo, "Effects of Local Tortuosity and Porosity Heterogeneities on Charge and Discharge Performance of Li-Ion Batteries," 233rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, 2018.
  15. M. Nikpour, J. Cordon, D. R. Wheeler, and B. Mazzeo, "Slurry Model for Understanding Fabrication of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes," 233rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, 2018.
  16. J. E. Vogel, E. E. Hardy, S. Crawford, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler. "Local Variation in Microstructure Causes Heterogeneity in the Conductivity of Commercial Lithium-Ion Cathode Films," 233rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, 2018.
  17. F. Pouraghajan, A. I. Thompson, J. E. Vogel, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler, "The Effect of Different Mixing Processes on the Ionic and Electronic Conductivities of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes," 233rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Seattle, WA, 2018.
  18. B. A. Mazzeo and D. R. Wheeler, "Measurement and Origins of Conductivity Variations in Commercial Li-Ion Electrode Films," International Battery Seminar & Exhibit, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2018. Invited
  19. K. L. Dallon, J. Yao, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo, "Determination of Mechanical Properties of Battery Films from Acoustic Resonances," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Provo, UT, 2017.
  20. J. S. Baxter, W. S. Guthrie, J. D. Barton, and B. A. Mazzeo, "Vertical Electrical Impedance Evaluation of Asphalt Overlays on Concrete Bridge Decks," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Provo, UT, 2017.
  21. B. A. Mazzeo and W. S. Guthrie, "Algorithms for Highway-Speed Acoustic Impact-Echo Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Decks," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Provo, UT, 2017.
  22. L. Hendricks, W. S. Guthrie, and B. Mazzeo, "Implementing Statistical Analysis in Multi-Channel Acoustic Impact-Echo Testing of Concrete Bridge Decks," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Provo, UT, 2017.
  23. E. Hardy, D. Clement, J. Vogel, D. Wheeler, and B. Mazzeo, "Flexible probe for measuring local conductivity in Li-Ion electrode films," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Provo, UT, 2017.
  24. F. Pouraghajan, H. Knight, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler, “Quantifying Tortuosity of Porous Li-Ion Battery Electrodes: Comparing Polarization-Interrupt and AC Impedance (Blocking-Electrolyte) Methods,” 231st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
  25. K. L. Dallon, M. Wray, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo, “Determination of Mechanical Properties of Battery Films from Acoustic Measurements,” 231st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
  26. H. Knight, F. Pouraghajan, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo, “The Effects of Aging on the Tortuosity of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes,” 231st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
  27. E. E. Hardy, J. E. Vogel, D. V. Clement, D. R. Wheeler, and B. A. Mazzeo, “Flexible Probe for Measuring Local Conductivity Variations in Li-Ion Electrode Films,” 231st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
  28. J. E. Vogel, D. V. Clement, E. Hardy, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler, “Local Variation in Microstructure Causes Heterogeneity in the Conductivity of Commercial Lithium-Ion Cathode Films,” 231st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, LA, 2017.
  29. B. A. Mazzeo and W. S. Guthrie, "Highway-Speed Acoustic Evaluation of Deteriorated Concrete Bridge Decks," ACI Spring Convention, Detroit, MI, 27 March 2017. Invited
  30. T. Waters, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo, "Acoustic Impact-Echo and Vertical Electrical Impedance Scanning of Concrete Bridge Bridge Decks from Continuously Moving Platforms," Subcommittee on Non-Destructive Evaluation of Structures, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2017.
  31. M. M. Forouzan, A. Gillespie, N. Lewis, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler, “A predictive model of lithium-ion electrode fabrication, including mixing, coating, drying, and calendering,” PRiME 2016, Honolulu, HI, 2016.
  32. J. E. Vogel, W. Lange, D. V. Clement, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler, “Correlation of local conductivity to microstructure for Li-ion battery electrodes by use of a contact probe and SEM/FIB,” PRiME 2016, Honolulu, HI, 2016.
  33. B. A. Mazzeo, J. Baxter, J. Barton, and W. S. Guthrie, "Vertical Impedance Measurements of Concrete Bridge Deck Cover Condition without a Direct Electrical Connection to the Reinforcing Steel," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Atlanta, GA. 20 July 2016.
  34. B. A. Mazzeo, J. Larsen, J. McElderry, and W. S. Guthrie, "Rapid Multichannel Impact-Echo Scanning of Concrete Bridge Decks from a Continuously Moving Platform," Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Atlanta, GA. 20 July 2016.
  35. F. Pouraghajan, R.L. Fitzhugh, M. Wray, B.A. Mazzeo and D.R. Wheeler, “Measurement of ionic conductivity of intact battery electrodes using a four-line probe,” 2015 Annual Meeting of AIChE, Salt Lake City, UT.
  36. M. Forouzan, C.-W. Chao, D. Bustamante, W. Lange, B. A. Mazzeo, D. R. Wheeler, “Predicting transport, mechanical, and microstructural properties of porous Li-ion battery electrodes by a particle-based simulation,” 2015 Annual Meeting of AIChE, Salt Lake City, UT.
  37. A. Riet, J. Sedgewick, J. Vogel, D. Clement, A. Cutler, B.A. Mazzeo, D.R. Wheeler, “Non-destructive high-resolution conductivity mapping of thin-film battery electrodes,” 228th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Phoenix, AZ, 2015.
  38. M.M. Forouzan, C.-W. Chao, D. Bustamante, W. Lange, B.A. Mazzeo, and D.R. Wheeler, “Predictive particle-based simulation of the fabrication of Li-ion battery electrodes,” 227th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Chicago, IL, 27 May 2015.
  39. C.-W. Chao, D. Bustamante, W. Lange, M.M. Forouzan, B.A. Mazzeo, and D.R. Wheeler, “Dynamic particle packing model for simulating electrode microstructure,” 2014 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. 1 December 2014
  40. A.D. Cutler, D.V. Clement, N.S. Gates, J. Flygare, J. Vogel, J.S. Sedgwick, B.A. Mazzeo, and D.R. Wheeler, “Micro-four-line probe for determining spatial conductivity distributions in thin-film battery electrodes,” 2014 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. 1 December 2014
  41. B. A. Mazzeo. Measurement of electrical properties of solutions to estimate protein dipole moments and protein-protein interactions. Pfizer. St. Louis, MO. 19 September 2014. Invited
  42. B. Lanterman, J. Flygare, A. Cutler, N. Gates, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. R. Wheeler. Probing local conductivity variations in particle-based electrodes. Gordon Research Conference on Batteries. Ventura, CA. 9-14 March 2014.
  43. P. Aggarwal, H. D. Tolley, J. S. Lawson, D. R. Wheeler, B. Mazzeo, and M. L. Lee. Characterization and Optimization of Organic Monolith Morphology for Improved Chromatographic Performance. PITTCON 2014. Chicago, IL. 3 March 2014.
  44. B. A. Mazzeo, J. Smith, S. Wood, B. Mellor, R. Best, A. Reddy, S. Zhang. Engineeering the electrical properties of proteins: Perspectives from molecular dynamics and dielectric spectroscopy. XVI. Annual Linz Winter Workshop. Linz, Austria. 1 February 2014. Invited
  45. B. A. Mazzeo, B. Lanterman, J. Flygare, A. Cutler, and D. R. Wheeler. Conductivity measurements of thin-film battery films. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Engineering Research Symposium. Indianapolis, IN. 1 November 2013.
  46. B. Lanterman, J. Flygare, A. Cutler, B. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler. Development of a Micro Four-Line Probe for the Measurement of Thin-Film Battery Electrode Conductivity. 224th ECS Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 28 October 2013.
  47. B. A. Mazzeo, A. N. Patil, J. M. Klis, R. C. Hurd, T. T. Truscott, and W. S. Guthrie, "Numerical Simulations and Experimental Measurements of Steel and Ice Impacts for Acoustic Interrogation of Delaminations in Bridge Decks," 40th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Baltimore, MD. 24 July 2013.
  48. B. A. Mazzeo and W. S. Guthrie. Impact-Echo Testing for Delamination Detection. Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, UT. 11 April 2013.
  49. W. S. Guthrie and B. A. Mazzeo. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, UT. 11 April 2013.
  50. B. A. Mazzeo. Interdisciplinary Collaboration. BYU IEEE Student Branch, Provo, UT. 2 April 2013. Invited
  51. B. A. Mazzeo. Electrical measurements of proteins in solution. BYU Biomedical Engineering Club, Provo, UT. 6 March 2013. Invited
  52. B. A. Mazzeo. Listening for Concrete Defects. BYU Acoustics Research Group, Provo, UT. 21 February 2013. Invited
  53. A. D. Mazzeo, W. B. Kalb, L. Chan, M. G. Killian, J.-F. Bloch, B. A. Mazzeo, and G. M. Whitesides. Paper-based, Capacitive Touch Pads. ASME IMECE, Houston, TX, 13 November 2012.
  54. B. A. Mazzeo, K. F. Warnick, and A. R. Hawkins. Low-cost planar interferometric microchannels for dielectric measurements in the GHz range (Poster). Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) and its Application, Leipzig, Germany. 5 September 2012.
  55. B. A. Mazzeo, B. L. Mellor, and D. D. Busath. From numerical simulation to measurement of protein dielectric relaxation in solution. Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) and its Application, Leipzig, Germany. 4 September 2012.
  56. B. A. Mazzeo, K. F. Warnick, A. R. Hawkins, and G. Hill. Low-cost RF Impedance Measurements in Micromachined Microfluidic Channels (Poster). Agilent University Research Fair, Santa Rosa, CA. 14 June 2012.
  57. S. Khadka, B. Blankenagel, M. Giraud-Carrier, A. Hawkins, K. F. Warnick, and B. A. Mazzeo. Low-cost broadband RF impedance spectrosocpy in micromachined microfluidic channels. Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the American Physical Society, Tucson, AZ. 22 october 2011.
  58. B. A. Mazzeo, E. Cruz Cortes, and B. L. Mellor. Electrode-electrolyte impedance due to polarization: influence of surface roughness. Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the American Physical Society, Tucson, AZ. 22 october 2011.
  59. B. L. Mellor, N. A. Kellis, S. Brewer, D. D. Busath, and B. A. Mazzeo. Protein-ligand biosensing: dielectric spectroscopy and numerical simulation of molecular interactions. Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the American Physical Society, Tucson, AZ. 21 october 2011.
  60. P. Bartholomew, B. Blankenagel, W. S. Guthrie, and B. A. Mazzeo. Impedance spectroscopy of concrete cover on bridge decks with reinforcing steel. Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the American Physical Society, Tucson, AZ. 21 October 2011.
  61. Mellor, B. L., Kellis, N. A., Brewer, S. J., Busath, D. D., Mazzeo, B. A. Detection of Molecular Interactions Using Impedance-Based Biosensors (Poster). 7th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. 13 September 2011.
  62. Mazzeo, B. A., Cardon, B. L., Busath, D. D. From molecular dynamics to multi-dimensional probabilities and fluorescence anisotropy (Poster). Gordon Research Conference: Liquids, Chemistry & Physics of, Holderness, NH. 24-29 July 2011.
  63. Bartholomew, P., Sumsion, E., Guthrie, W. S., Mazzeo, B. A. Measurement of steel corrosion in concrete by impedance spectroscopy. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Ogden, UT. 16 October 2010. Outstanding Undergraduate Student Paper Award Winner
  64. Mellor, B., Cruz Cortes, E., Busath, D., Mazzeo, B. A. Estimation of the internal dielectric constant of proteins using measured and simulated charge moments. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Ogden, UT. 15 October 2010.
  65. Getz, P., Mazzeo, B. A. Measurement of liquid permittivity by solenoid self-resonance. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Ogden, UT. 15 October 2010.
  66. Kellis, N., Mazzeo, B. A. On the use of liquid-metal electrodes for liquid impedance spectroscopy measurements. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Ogden, UT. 15 October 2010.
  67. Mazzeo, B. A. and Getz, P. Overcoming electrode polarization by magnetic induction spectroscopy. 6th International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications, Madrid, Spain. 10 September 2010.
  68. Mazzeo, B. A. Liquid electrical measurements for protein analysis. BYU Physics & Astronomy Department Colloquium, Provo, UT. 18 November 2009. Invited
  69. Kellis, N., Mazzeo, A. D., Mazzeo, B. A. Liquid "Wires" for Microfluidics. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Golden, CO. 24 October 2009.
  70. Poudyal, B., Mazzeo, B. A., Warnick, K. F. RF Liquid Measurement of Capillary Tubes. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Golden, CO. 24 October 2009.
  71. Mellor, B. and Mazzeo, B. A. A Method to Calculate Protein Dipole Moments. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Golden, CO. 24 October 2009.
  72. Chandra, S., Arellano, J., and Mazzeo, B. A. Broadband Liquid Dielectric Spectrometer. Four Corners Section Meeting of the American Physical Society, Golden, CO. 23 October 2009.
  73. Mazzeo, B. A. and Flewitt, A. J. Time-resolved dielectric spectroscopy of protein aggregation performed on model system of hen lysozyme and beta-lactoglobulin. March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA. 20 March 2009.
  74. Mazzeo, B. A. Time-Resolved Dielectric Spectroscopy of Protein Solutions. CAPE Advanced Technology Lecture. Cambridge, UK. 18 April 2008.
  75. Mazzeo, B. A. and Flewitt, A. J. Electrical aspects of protein-protein interactions: Dielectric spectroscopy reveals interaction betwen beta-lactoglobulin and lysozyme (Poster). Sanger-Cambridge PhD Symposium. Hinxton, UK. 15 April 2008.
  76. Mazzeo, B. A. Electrical Measurements of Proteins in Solution. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA. 10 April 2008.
  77. Mazzeo, B. A. and Flewitt, A. J. Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy of Protein Solutions. Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics Biosensor Colloquium. Cambridge, UK. 20 June 2007
  78. Mazzeo, B. A. and Flewitt, A. J. Differential Dielectric Spectroscopy of Protein Solutions: Observation of Protein Interactions. March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denver, CO. 6 March 2007.

Issued United States Patents

  1. Mazzeo, B. A., Guthrie, W. S. Contact elements for acoustic excitation. U.S. Patent #12,000,796; 4 Jun 2024.
  2. Thomas, M. D., Cook, D. D., Mazzeo, B. A. Systems and methods for electrical measurements of a plant stalk. U.S. Patent #11,726,053; 15 Aug 2023.
  3. Mazzeo, B. A., Guthrie, W. S. Contact elements for acoustic excitation attached via a compliant material. U.S. Patent #11,408,858; 9 Aug 2022.
  4. Mazzeo, B. A., Vogel, J., Wheeler, D., Hardy, E., Clement, D. Flexible electric probe. U.S. Patent #11,340,261; 24 May 2022.
  5. Merrell, A. J., Bowden, A. E., Fullwood, D. T., Mazzeo, B. A. Polymeric foam deformation gauge. U.S. Patent #10,260,968; 16 April 2019.
  6. Mazzeo, B. A., Guthrie, W. S., Baxter, J., and Barton, J. D. Flexible elements for probes and guard rings. U.S. Patent #10,082,492; 25 September 2018.
  7. Mazzeo, B. A., Guthrie, W. S., Kemmerer, W., Baxter, J., Roedel, C. Data acquisition system with rotating probe members and ground reference electrode. U.S. Patent #9,909,974; 6 March 2018.
  8. Bartholomew, P. D., Guthrie, W. S., and Mazzeo, B. A. Apparatus for analysis of concrete including a reinforcing bar. U.S. Patent #9,816,978; 14 November 2017.
  9. Guthrie, W. S., Mazzeo, B., Larsen, J., and McElderry, J. Multichannel impact response for material characterization. U.S. Patent #9,581,530; 28 February 2017.
  10. Mazzeo, B. A., Guthrie, W. S., and Patil, A. N. Method and system for structural integrity assessment. U.S. Patent #9,470,661; 18 October 2016.
  11. Chandra, S. and Mazzeo, B. A. Cell for broadband dielectric spectroscopy. U.S. Patent #8,593,164; 26 November 2013.
  12. Deangelis, A. R., Wilson, D. B., and Mazzeo, B. A. Capacitive sensor. U.S. Patent #7,578,195; 25 August 2009.
  13. Deangelis, A. R., Wilson, D. B., and Mazzeo, B. A. Flexible capacitive sensor. U.S. Patent #7,395,717; 8 July 2008.
  14. Deangelis, A. R., Wilson, D. B., and Mazzeo, B. A. Printed capacitive sensor. U.S. Patent #7,368,921; 6 May 2008.
  15. Deangelis, A. R., Wilson, D. B., and Mazzeo, B. A. Printed capacitive sensor. U.S. Patent #7,301,351; 27 November 2007.
  16. Deangelis, A. R., Wilson, D. B., and Mazzeo, B. A. Printed capacitive sensor. U.S. Patent #7,276,917; 2 October 2007.
  17. Deangelis, A. R., Wilson, D. B., and Mazzeo, B. A. Printed capacitive sensor. U.S. Patent #7,208,960; 24 April 2007.